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National Association of Head Teachers Partner
Social, Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties Association
British Educational Communications and Technology Agency
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“I have been using BehaviourOnline with students throughout the term with great success. It gets across important points about their behaviour and attitudes.”

Francis Johnson,
Gladesmore School,
London (8th Dec 2018)

26 Jun 2008

Rob Long

Rob is a popular and well-known presenter of training days and workshops, mainly in the field of education. His skills as a provider of high quality training events are transferable. Some of the other professional groups that Rob has worked with include solicitors, nurses, dentists and social workers.

Core Services offered include -
Professional Development Days
Whole School Training
Staff Development - teachers and support staff
Working with Students, Parents and Families
Evidence-based Research Projects
Individual Counselling
Group Work
Project Work

Common Topics include -
Whole School Behaviour Management
Classroom Management
Behavioural, Emotional and Social Difficulties
Emotional Literacy
Adolescent and Child Development
Communication Skills
Team Building
Loss and Separation
Peer Mediation
Anger and Confrontation Management
Stress Management

Here are the contact details for Behaviour Trainer/Consultant: Rob Long.

Education Works:Rob Long's web address:

Telephone: 01803 762 900
