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“I have been using BehaviourOnline with students throughout the term with great success. It gets across important points about their behaviour and attitudes.”

Francis Johnson,
Gladesmore School,
London (8th Dec 2018)

19 May 2009

03/12/09 STIRLING: Develop Exceptional Behaviour Management Skills

Develop Exceptional Behaviour Management Skills
to maximise student achievement and reduce professional stress.

For Teachers, Subject Leaders, Pastoral Staff, Senior Managers, TAs and LSAs

A one-day conference led by Bill Gribble

Become one of the staff at your school with outstanding pupil control
Reduce professional stress so that school becomes far more enjoyable
Even the most experienced can further refine and develop their skills
Included is Bill’s highly acclaimed book, ’In a Class of Your Own,’ worth £11.99

"Absolutely first class, full of practical strategies I will use immediately."

"Thank you Bill! I am leaving as a much more effective teacher."

Bill Gribble is arguably the country’s leading expert on behaviour management, renowned for his enthusiastic and entertaining INSET. Until recently he was a Senior Education Officer managing a LEA’s Educational Psychology, Education Social Work and Behavioural Support Services. He works with schools to help them develop effective behaviour management strategies and has lectured on Birmingham University’s Advanced Diploma and Masters Degree courses and at the University of Wales, Bangor. Bill has worked in secure accommodation, residential education and was the Headteacher of a special school. He ran a pupil referral unit (PRU) which a HMI inspection described as ’the best of its kind in the country,’ and subsequently advised HMI on PRU inspection.

The course Some staff seem to have an innate ability to manage pupil behaviour and, as a result, they have a much better rapport with the pupils, they find their work far more enjoyable, they are more relaxed and experience considerably less stress. These teachers, TAs and LSAs are also the most effective because they create an atmosphere that maximises pupil learning and achievement. However, such skills are not innate, THEY HAVE OFTEN BEEN LEARNT. It is consequently possible, with the right training, for most staff to acquire these skills and techniques and to employ the most effective behaviour management strategies. Even highly experienced colleagues can further improve and develop their abilities.

This course will help you to have a greater impact on pupils’ behaviour, ranging from those who adversely affect the learning of others with low levels of inappropriate conduct to young people who can be extremely disruptive. The course will provide practical materials and by the end of the day course members will know how to plan for behaviour. It will also consider whole school behaviour management issues.


Stirling Thursday 3 December 2009,
Stirling Management Centre

Leeds Friday 4 Decemer 2009.
Holiday Inn Leeds Garforth

Warrington Wednesday 9 December 2009,
Walton Hall Golf Club, Cheshire

London Monday 14 December 2009,
Ramada Hyde Park Hotel


09.30-10.00 Coffee and Registration
10.00-11.00 A Positive Approach
11.00-11.15 Break
11.15-12.15 Planning for Behaviour
12.15-13.15 Lunch
13.15-14.15 What Prevents Learning?
14.15-14 30 Break
14.30-15.30 School Policy

Conference Fees

The fee for the conference is £219 + VAT (VAT is claimed back by schools). Additional delegates from the same school only £198 + VAT. There is an additional London supplement of £15 + VAT to cover the cost of the hotel. Delegates will receive a conference pack, refreshments and lunch. Reservations are accepted on the understanding that applicants agree to our terms and conditions. The submission of an application form represents a firm booking. The full fee is payable if there is a cancellation within 14 days of the start of the conference, otherwise there is a £50 cancellation and administration fee. Substitutions can be made at any time. We reserve the right to cancel the course at short notice if circumstances arise which are beyond our control. The course fee will be refunded but AWLED Consultancy Ltd disclaims any further liability.

For more information and to book, contact direct:
AWLED Consultancy Ltd.
PO BOX 33,